Everything is expensive, but alcohol is still cheap!

Prices are soaring but don’t worry, booze is still cheap!

You can bust the government recommended weekly maximum alcohol intake for less than the price of a coffee.

Full disclosure: according to the Mirror, which I don’t usually read, if you go to Morrisons, where I don’t usually shop, you can buy a bottle of cider for £2.10. It contains ten units of alcohol, which means for £2.94 you can drink the NHS maximum recommended number of units. That said, the coffee shop that I half-jokingly refer to as my office sells me an Americano for £2.80. But even at my worst I would have been able to find the extra 14p.

Energy is expensive, petrol is pricey, mortgages going mad but at least we can still afford to get wasted.

I don’t believe that the price of booze plays a huge part of what motivates people to stop drinking but 21p a unit is a joke.

If you can finance a 100 unit a week drinking problem for less than I spend on coffee then something is wrong with the world.

Seriously, I don’t drink that much coffee.

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